Implementation of Information Technology in education
Staff training is a high priority. Beaulieu College runs a programme of continuous professional development where staff are credited for attending training courses which are held throughout the year. This enables them to put best practices to work in their classrooms and ensure that they are delivering their lessons while using IT in relevant and meaningful ways, allowing the pupils in their class to engage with their learning.
We have two computer labs which are used for class teaching. Emphasis is placed on exploring the creative uses of computers so that they might be used to complement other subjects. In addition, we employ remediation software for enhancing pupils’ Mathematics abilities, and Afrikaans and Zulu vocabulary and reading abilities.
We also offer Information Technology as a Matric subject to pupils in Grades 10 to 12, focusing on problem-solving using Java as a programming language. Immigrant pupils and those who are exempt from offering a First Additional Language are encouraged to enrol for the Computer Applications Technology course which is run as a distance learning course embracing Internet technologies.
Beaulieu College believes in the integration of Information Technology into the learning process. It is important that the use of Information and Communication Technologies are not used merely as entertainment or distraction, but rather as a means to engage the minds of our pupils in the work being covered.
Access to
information technology
Each pupil must have access to the Internet using some form of a device. We appreciate that these come in many forms and have chosen to be less prescriptive in this area. Thus pupils could have iPads or other tablets, laptops or notebooks. It is important, despite these differences in computer equipment, that there is a level of standardisation. Where possible we encourage the use of open technology or technology that is available across all platforms.

Beaulieu College has a campus-wide wireless network which can accommodate all types of devices that might be used. This provides quick access to the resources on our local network as well as allowing pupils to explore Internet based resources too. In addition there are two computer labs equipped with 28 computers each and 4 computers in the Media Centre, all connected via a wired network.
Our network facilities are constantly upgraded to ensure that they will meet the needs of a growing school. Our network boasts a V-LAN configuration which allows for streamlined connectivity for all devices.
In addition, every classroom is equipped with a teaching computer and data projection and sound facilities. Many classrooms also have access to interactive whiteboards.

In school management
Much of the College’s academic coursework and academic planning documents are already available on our extensive Intranet giving pupils access to this from both at home and at school. Our policy documentsare all available online in a “wiki” format for quick and easy access by any of our school stakeholders. Importantly, we embrace a unique academic administration system which allows teachers, parents and pupils of Beaulieu College to make much more effective use of the academic indicators that are gained through testing and assessment to better guide and inform the remediation of pupils.