Welcome to the Beaulieu College Parent Teachers Forum (PTF)
The PTF is a vibrant and active organization within Beaulieu College, we have 17 parents and 3 staff members who regularly contribute to the various Projects we get involved in. Any parent of a child enrolled at Beaulieu College is welcome to join the PTF at any time during the year. Parents can email Susan Van Driel who will be able to give you details of when our next meeting is, she would also be happy to chat to you if you have any questions.
We hold a meeting once a month in the staff room, the meetings are fun and usually run from 6-7pm. At the meetings we get feedback on upcoming events from the sub committees who have planned them as well as keeping up to date with the goings on at the College. The main goal of the PTF is to provide our children with things that make their time at the College better.
Some examples of what we have done in recent years are:
- Tables and Benches for the pupils to use at break times and for outdoor lessons
- Contributed to a Lightning Early Warning System to protect our children when playing sports
- An electronic information board at the exit gate
- Grandstands
- Soup and Rolls at the annual Sleep Out
Our main source of income each year is the MySchoolCard program. Membership to MySchool is free, all you need to do is link Beaulieu College as your beneficiary and swipe your card at stores displaying the MySchool logo at the till, such as Woolworths. The store then donates a portion of your spend to MySchool and that then gets paid into our bank account every month.
For school sporting events the PTF sells distinctive Supporter Wear, which consists of T-Shirts, Strappy tops, Jackets, Hats and Scarves. The supporter wear is available for any parent wanting to show support for our teams at events. At the annual Derby Days hosted by Beaulieu College the PTF can be found selling boerewors and chicken rolls along with bottled water and of course our Supporter wear. We also organize a few fun activities during the year such as the Annual Quiz Evening which also goes towards supporting our efforts to enrich our children’s College life.
The PTF has also organized a community cleanup once a month. This provides an opportunity for the pupils to get their community service hours whilst at the same time making a visible difference to our community.
Did you know?
Beaulieu College’s PTF does not charge our parents a termly PTF levy! Instead, we ask that you join the loyalty card programmes MySchool, My Village, My Planet and the new loyalty card, School-Days. Both loyalty cards are available for registration on their respective websites. We thank you for helping us to help our College.
The MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet fundraising programme is one of South Africa’s biggest community support programme that raises essential funds for schools, charities, and environmental organisations.
Funds are used to improve education and social development in South Africa. You can make a difference to a worthy cause without costing you a cent!
The MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet programme raises more than R3 million per month for the schools, charities, animal welfare and environmental organisations it supports. Help us to help the community.