Service and Leadership
Beaulieu College believes strongly in encouraging a commitment to service. We require our pupils to complete a number of community service hours at outside organisations annually, through the online platform “Community Hours” or through their own initiative. Our popular and active Interact Club is involved in several outreach projects each year. There are also opportunities to serve within the school environment in activities such as Public Relations, First Aid, Cricket Scoring and Sound and Lighting. In addition, we participate in external fundraising initiatives such as the Nelson Mandela Schools SleepOut. To serve effectively it is also important to learn how to lead. We have an extensive and ever-expanding leadership programme. This programme includes:

The President’s Award
From grade 9, pupils can start by completing a Bronze programme, then go on to do the Silver programme and complete the Gold programme. The President’s Award programme offers a spirit of adventure and discovery. It allows the pupils to improve their performance in physical recreational activities and what it takes to develop one’s practical skills.
Pupils who want to get ahead sign up for The President’s Award for Youth Empowerment and embark on a journey which millions of young people throughout the world have completed. The Award offers young people from all walks of life the opportunity to develop their character and determines their future in contribution towards building a better South Africa for all. Read more about this phenomenal opportunity our pupils embark on.
Other Leadership programmes
that are offered at the College are:
- Interact
- Annual grade camps in grade 9,10 and 11
- Weekly leadership lessons in Grade 8 – 11.
- Leadership programmes such as mentorship opportunities for Grade 11 and 12 pupils
- Councillorship for Grade 12.
- Pupils can serve and lead by being voted on to the Student Representative Council (SRC)